Monthly Archives: September 2014

YADBGT – Yet Another DataBase Grepping Tool

I’ve seen this before but finally used it. SK. Got it from our Diamond guy Taylor. Had to modify to make it work. You can use guidbedit to see all the fields you can grep.

Outputs all the gateways in the DMS database with their name, ip, appliance/open type, version number.

Wish they had this
# Check Point environment variables
. /opt/CPshared/5.0/tmp/
# go to MDS context
# iterate over the customers

for CMA_NAME in $(ls -1 $MDSDIR/customers)
mdsenv ${CMA_NAME}
mcd 1>> /dev/null 2>> /dev/null
echo ” ”
echo “Security Gateways on CMA ${CMA_NAME} :”
echo “———————-”
$MDSDIR/bin/cpmiquerybin attr “” network_objects “type=’gateway’|type=’cluster_member’|type=’gateway_cluster'” -a __name__,ipaddr,svn_version_name,appliance_type


Max Disk Size – The search continues

Update 5/21/15


From Check Point……

I would like to clarify:


  • Prior to R77.20, GAIA OS supported up to 8TB.
  • Since R77.20 (inclusive) Gaia OS support up to 16 TB.


  • OS supports up to 16 TB on all supported versions


This is continuation of SEARCHOFMAXDRIVE

So we have this massive log server. 7-1.8TB RAID-5 drives. (Of course by this time next year my iWatch will have 14TB SSD in it). During an upgrade of our log server, we wanted to resize our tiny root partition.


We tried to use lvm_manager, several hours later……yeaaaaahhhhh. NO. Crash boom bang.

Start from scratch.


Good news: On R77.10, GAIA sees all the drives BUT cannot format more than 8TB instead of 2TB (as it did under pre-R77.10).



WTF? Block size looks like it should support 16TB file systems

blocksize maxext3

Or why can’t GAIA stitch it together with LVM ? Ugh…..

So we still will have to resize by hand using lvm.

# Format the unused drive
fdisk /dev/cciss/c1d1
# make a EXT3 file system on it
mkfs.ext3 -b 4096 /dev/cciss/c1d1
# label it as a physical volume – making it available to the LVM pool
pvcreate /dev/cciss/c1d1
# extend the volume group vg_splat to include this new drive
vgextend vg_splat /dev/cciss/c1d1
# extend the logical (log) volume to use this new space
lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/vg_splat/lv_log
# new resize the EXT3 linux file system partition (log partition) to use this space
resize2fs /dev/mapper/vg_splat-lv_log
#………. continue for each drive………

So the question I ask myself “I just paid $10 Gillion dollars for this state of the art log server (probably enough fuel to fly Gil Schwed from Israel to here in his private jet), do I really want to customize its partitioning? Will I have to do this for every migration? What about DR – ouch!? What about successive admins that may not have my (minimal) Linux talents, they will be totally lost”.

So while geeky and intellectually challenging, I think we will leave well enough alone at this point. I’ll just archive logs every week. Time better spent with my hot German girlfriend Gaby than watching drives format for hours and then crash at 99%.

R80 will fix all.

Partitioning out,

YADU – Yet Another Debug Utility

I know I know, “What are the chances your SmartDomainManager GUI would crash??” Probably zero. But just in case there happens to be an unheard of bug here is your new debug client. Can debug any open GUI, dynamically identifies it.

R76 and up.




Helen's Loom

"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity." -Amelia Earhart

Life Stories from Dreez

These are stories from my travels. Generally I like to write stories about local people that I meet and also brag about living the retirement dream with my #1 wife Gaby. She is also my only wife.